
As of version 3.3, vyper-bot comes with template bots to make getting started easier. The most basic one being basebot. It provides a very simple framework for your bot.

Simple Setup

from vyper import basebot

class MyBot(basebot.Basebot):
    def message(self, msg):
        msg = msg['message']
        if msg['text'] == '/ping':
            self.sendMessage(msg['chat']['id'], 'PONG')

bot = MyBot('123456:ABC-DEF1234ghIkl-zyx57W2v1u123ew11', start_loop=True)

This is perfectly valid code, which will run the message function when a message is sent, and will reply with PONG if the message is /ping. Using this style of bot makes the setup slightly less tedious than it would be by using only the base API, as it does all the background work for you.

class basebot.Basebot(token, debug=False, start_loop=False, loop_time=0.05)

Inherits vyper.API, allowing you to use any of the API methods from within the bot.


This method will provide an easier way to create the update loop.

Parameters:loop_time (float) – The time in between cycles of the loop

Sets the functions that will run when an update is received. Defaults to the functions that are setup already, which are designed to be overwritten.

Parameters:functions (dict) – The dictionary of functions that will be run

Called when a message is received. Overwrite this in your child bot.


Called when a message is edited. Overwrite this in your child bot.


Called when a message is posted to a channel. Overwrite this in your child bot.


Called when a message is edited in a channel. Overwrite this in your child bot.


Called when an inline query is received. Overwrite this in your child bot.


Called when an inline query result is is chosen. Overwrite this in your child bot.


Called when a callback is received. Overwrite this in your child bot.


Called when a shipping query is received. Overwrite this in your child bot.


Called when a pre-checkout query is received. Overwrite this in your child bot.